Attendee, Staff...Press..Start!

Wow! How long since I've written anything for this blog? A whole summer? A whole summer?! Man...I used to write so much on this blog. It was a way to get my photos out and start rambling about things I no longer know what I rambled about. But today...yes today I'll be rambling about my con season.

I started off with a bang and a brave venture by applying for a press badge at a local con in LA called Ninja Con. When I got the email I was jumping out of my seat. Where was I? Oh right nursing class...when I should have been studying. Moving on! I had no clue what a press pass entailed I just knew by the end of it I'd have to write about the con. Ahem...sorry three months later. It was basically a free pass to Ninja Con. Free! I got the same perks as other people plus access to guests of honor but ...that didn't happen cause things get messy at cons. Haha..but I enjoyed it. My first very tiny convention. I got to interview the chairman of the con but ...*cricket sounds* I sadly accidentally deleted the soundbite of the interview. Oh man ...did I get slightly chewed for that. I feel so guilty cause the interview was so much fun. The chairman was such a nice person and very involved with his con and I could feel that the con gave the cosplayers a great place to gather up and just enjoy a Saturday before the weekend of the largest anime convention in the U.S. Definitely worth to go to Ninja Con if you want to hang out and see fellow cosplayers for just a day. I like that the location had a WHOLE garden to do photoshoots at. I will say...I did not get to take as much photos as I have liked to but at the same time I was running around wondering what I was going to write about and wondering when I could do interviews. Would I do it again? Umm...if I had the guts to apply. I haven't had the guts to apply since then. I will say it was really fun AGAIN to interview the chairman. It was on the spot ad libbing question time. I still can't believe it. Thank you Ninja Con for inviting me to come. Hope to come again.

AX. THE convention for anime. Or at least it has been since Jr. High school. In short, it was huge! The line for Day 0 was ridiculous and I had not bought a badge according to the fact I thought I'd be hanging out just at the hallways. Man I was so wrong. I also had a few photoshoots being done at that time over the course of the four days and that was ...a learning curve. AX does not have most pleasing locations to shoot at but one could make it work. And I tried but one shoot was held at a hotel so that gave me variety. I think what made it more memorable was the fact I got to hang out with my high school friends and a couple of friends from college. A large convention with over sixty thousand people though made things very difficult to find anyone or comfortably relax. If it was not for my friend I would have not attended any panels. Haha ...I don't attend panels cause I get caught up at the exhibit hall slowly burning my wallet away.

Lastly I attended Anime California and I was convinced it would be a good idea to staff the convention as a photographer. I'll be honest first time convention was hectic, crazy and very unorganized. It's a first time convention right things like this are forgivable right? Yes for the most part. I do wonder what happened with the lack of food given to the staff and money for a budget for all staff for the most part. But as I looked to the attendees at least the first timers, they definitely enjoyed the con. That made me really happy. Hard work, blood sweat and  tears for the attendees specially ones who's first time was coming to cons that's the joy that makes it all worth it. And a shoutout to parents who bring their kids, take time out of their lives so that their children can enjoy the hobby they love. Props to you.

Now ...which would I continue to be? I don't know can't say all have their perks. A con is what you make of it.

Special thanks to Danny from Ninja Con for helping me out and guiding me through some of the con life. AC VIP party would not have be awesome if not for your show. :D Thanks for inviting me man.


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