Free! Iwatobi Swim Club-The Answer for Fan Service for Girls

How long since I've last wrote here? I'm really sorry everyone for bailing on short notice. Life just got to me so I thought a nice break was in need. Right now I'm stuck in a rut with no inspiration for my photography but I guess it's okay since I don't have any photoshoots coming up. I can give you guys an update. I'm doing a little better socially though I miss some LA friends but that's what I get for living far away from there. A lot of my time has been spent trying improving myself well more like my body. I've gone swimming the past week so I'm trying to schedule everything in around that.

So swimming. Yes I swim. I can't run in hot air nor stand the thought of running at a fast past for thirty minutes. It's not possibility to me partly to do with my exercise induced asthma. The pool seems like an ironic way to exercise since most of the time I'm not breathing, but it's better than breathing this smoggy air. Why swimming? Ahem...

Free!!!!! Okay seriously that's the name of the anime. As you all know I got back into watching anime since Anime expo and I'm biased towards sports anime. The promo video was shown to be by none other JT which is funny cause I don't know how he found it. At first glance it's a fangirls' dream. There's about five guys obviously they all represent some sort of Japanese character stereotype. Two tsundere, which means they look mean by the have a big heart, the shota, cutesy guy, the friendly one, I think that's pretty obviously and the megane, the one with glasses. Most of the time in the anime you see them half naked and plenty of yaoi fan service. It's literally a slap in the face to guys who probably drool over voluptuous anime girls. There's even a girl that swoons all the time over the muscles she sees when they are swimming. Admit it women you would swoon over men who have nice bodies at the pool staring at the muscles. So the creators obviously tapped in the raging hormonal women.

Setting aside all the fan service, plot wise it's kind of slow. All that fan service just doesn't allow for much time for the plot to move. At this time it's halfway down but since there's only twelve episodes I do wonder how it will all workout. There's actually a prequel to the anime which is called, High Speed! I recommend reading it before the anime. A lot of people have translated and summarized it. The novel provides a good backbone to the show making the quotes and comments the characters have and even screenshots much more meaningful. And that is where I begin to separate myself from the fangirls. The characters are actually developed pretty well and they all have their little quirks and struggles.

Overall I give this anime a 3.5/5 it's a good summer anime to watch for a good pick me up. Plus it got me swimming again hurray!!


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Music is my passion with modern Asian music, such as k-pop, j-pop and j-rock etc., writing is my joy and photography is my growing love. Food is the best way to socialize and fashion is my way to know that I put my shirt on correctly.