Sleepy Kirito

cosplay, cosplay photography, cosplayer, sword art online, kirito

It's hard to believe how busy I've become with my photography. I couldn't imagine how many opportunities I have gained to work with such amazing people, who want to share their love for their favorite anime. For a while I've just done photoshoots at cons or gatherings but I got the opportunity couple days ago to do a private photoshoot with a friend.

There are definitely many benefits in doing a private photoshoot with someone. There is more time for planning and scouting. Or so I thought. I had trouble about scouting for a location because I was not familiar with the area. I was fortunate my cosplayer has a keen eye for seeing things that are not typically seen as a place to photograph. I still want to keep pushing myself to create the images I want and to do that I need to keep planning and being brave enough to speak my mind. I'm so grateful for the assistance I had that day.

Enough pouting about the flaws. The amazing thing about working with a cosplayer for a private photoshoot there are more interactions outside of just con life. And the ability to experiment with things and lighting are much appreciated. As I improve I'm sure everyone will also improve around me. So I'm happy I'm building relationships with cosplayers I enjoy being around with. Oh it would help to tell you the name of this cosplayer. This is Soo Kam and I had the pleasure to meet him at a gathering. He's dressed up as Kirito before but I was wanting to shoot him personally again cause I liked his personality and his love for the anime. I look forward to work with him again soon.

cosplay, cosplay photography, cosplayer, sword art online, kirito

cosplay, cosplay photography, cosplayer, sword art online, kirito

cosplay, cosplay photography, cosplayer, sword art online, kirito

cosplay, cosplay photography, cosplayer, sword art online, kirito


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