Post Processing and Edits

Bravely Second Edea CN: Fran_chan Cosplay

Going to address something here just so people know what I can and can not in photoshop. Hopefully it will clear up some things and let you know of my current capabilities.

First I'll let you know my work process, cause I'm now being told I edit so fast. Reality it's not fast enough. I try to at least get stuff in camera before adding that cherry on top in photoshop. This is so that it saves me time and hours frustrating over tutorials.

Lightroom is where I dump all my photos and then I flag which photos I want to look at up close. Usually among those I narrow it down by highlighting the color and letting lightroom sort through those. After that I do all light and color editing there before saving it on PSD and sending it off to photoshop.

From here this is what I am currently capable of:

Things I do consistently:
Light and color editing, skin smoothing, blemishes and taking things out that are distracting.

Things I might do:
Liquify things to move things around and maybe certain problem areas (yes I do liquify cosers but I do not have the capabilities to make someone from like 8 to a size 2.). On that note I only do it when I know the person and they have voiced out many problem areas in the past or if they specifically ask me to. I mostly practice on myself because I'm pretty good example to work on without having to anger anyone but myself.

Things I rarely do:
Light composites, which means I could somewhat insert other things into the photo. This is usually done in levitation photos, but other special effects will take more of my time. And I will let you know if I am unable to do it.

Things I won't do:
Change eye colors cause I'm picky how well it's executing and currently at this moment I'm not good at it at all.

Now I usually send them out in jpeg at 1600 pixels wide but if I coser I know specifically asks me to send them psds files to retouch further I do ask that you try to send them back if I ask for it so I can watermark them. Or at least please credit my facebook when uploaded.

If you are getting my photos through a paid shoot I do send unwatermark jpegs, these are personal use only which means you can print it for business cards and prints for yourself. Please let me know if you're doing anything more to them.


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